By Greg Garner

An abnormal break in the continuity of body tissues is called wound. A wound can result in bleeding internally or externally. Severe bleeding can cause shock, unconsciousness and death. Hence, immediate treatment is extremely important to stop bleeding. First aid course for treating wounds and bleeding can help you understand the type of wounds and basic treatment to wounds to prevent them from developing into complicated problems like severed tendons and blood vessels. Immediate treatment for wounds and bleeding can also help prevent infection. First aid course is ideal for employers, employees and any other individuals who want to administer first aid.

Reasons For Why Taking First Aid Course Is Important


Bleeding from an artery may be life threatening, as it is a major blood vessel that delivers oxygen rich blood from the heart to various parts of the body. First aid course helps you learn how to stop the bleeding and prevent infection as well as shock. Capillary bleeding is slow and oozing in nature. There is more chance for this type of bleeding to develop some form of infection. Completing the first aid course can provide you with adequate knowledge of how to protect the victim from developing an infection. First aid course lets you understand the signs and symptoms if internal bleeding. For instance, if the victim blood vomits or his/her skin becomes cool or moist, you can understand that internal bleeding has occurred. If the wounds have penetrated the chest or abdomen, you should call for emergency service and start giving first aid. You can learn about hygiene practices to be followed while giving first aid for wounds and bleeding. Protecting yourself by covering your cuts and abrasion with a waterproof bandage, wearing disposable gloves and using specialized cleansing agents to clean up body fluid spills can help you prevent cross infections, while giving first aid. If the victim has open head wound, you should know how to apply a dressing without causing any further injury to the casualty. Completing first aid course is more important to treat the casualty with head wounds. If the casualty is unconscious, you should not move him/her unless it is absolutely necessary. Doing the right things at the right time can help the victim to get fast recovery. It can also help to prevent permanent disability or even death.

Any injury may be harmful to the tissues, unless it is very minor. It may even affect the functions of the entire body. Wounds may cause cessation of breathing, brain damage, shock, damage to the heart or any other vital organs. Loss of blood, destruction of tissue, contamination, nerve injury and functional disturbances are the effects of open or closed wound. Large open wounds and quick blood loss can pose a serious threat to the quality of life of the casualty. Immediate first aid for open wounds and bleeding can help reduce the severity of the problem. It can also minimize the danger of contamination and infection. In case of avulsion wounds that cause detached finger, toe or ear, immediate first aid and sending the body part to a nearby health care institute can help the surgeon to attach the part.

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act) recommends everyone to complete at least a basic first aid course to deal with small injuries.

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