Category: Bed Linen

Indulging In Comfort With A King Sheet Set

When we decide to lavish finesse and relaxation upon ourselves, the first thing that comes to mind is a comfortable and cozy sleep. Such comfort is impossible without the prime role player- our bed sheet. Let’s dive into the astounding world of a ‘king sheet set‘ that redefines luxurious sleep.

Sleep, being the most vital activity of our daily routines, requires not just the ideal ambiance but also the perfect bedsheet. A premium king sheet set plays an important role in ensuring a peaceful and restful night. These sets usually come with a fitted sheet, a flat sheet, and two pillowcases, accommodating the needs of your king-sized bed splendidly.

Before You Buy Bedding

In the context of buying bedding, especially a king sheet set, there are certain aspects you may want to pay attention to. From the fabric type and weave to the thread count, each element contributes to the overall comfort and durability of your sheets.

Cotton is often the most preferred fabric for sheets because of its durability, softness, and breathability. Egyptian cotton and Pima cotton are known for their long fibers resulting in sheets that are luxurious and super soft. Another fabric type worth looking into is linen, a great option for warmer climates due to its breath-ability and absorbency.

Weave and thread count also hold significant importance. The weave often affects the feel of your sheets and how long they last. Percale and sateen weaves are generally considered the best. Meanwhile, high-quality king sheet sets often come in between 200 and 800 thread count. It is always a good idea to choose a set with a higher thread count for smoother and more durable sheets.

Knowing The Advantages

A king sheet set has numerous benefits. Apart from the exclusive look that it adds to your room, it provides plenty of space for you and your partner. This means, no more struggling for the covers in the middle of the night. With a king sheet set, you essentially step into the realm of undisturbed sleep.

Moreover, the king sheet set is a versatile option. It fits both a standard king and a California king bed, though you may want to check the measurements before buying. Also, it is available in countless colors, patterns, and designs, which makes it easy to find one that suits your taste and aligns with your bedroom decor.

Caring For Your King Sheet Set

In order to expand the life span of your king sheet set, it is important to care for them properly. Washing in cold water, avoiding harsh detergents, and line drying or tumble drying on low heat can help your sheets maintain their color and texture for a longer period of time. Also, ironing your sheets not only keeps them crisp and tidy, but also kills any bacteria and mites that may have survived washing.


In conclusion, a king sheet set is not only a style statement but a mandatory item if you aim for a peaceful, blissful sleep cycle. With a plethora of options available in terms of fabric, weave, and thread count, you can find the perfect set that suits your needs and preferences.

Remember the phrase, class=”><‘buy bedding’>

intelligently. Do not be swayed by jargon or daunting salesmanship. Instead, prioritize your comfort, color scheme, fabric choice, and, of course, your budget. After all, the final decision should not only be a pleasing one but also a choice that provides unparalleled comfort and relaxation.

The Blissful Sleep Of High Quality Bed Linen

You may consider your mattress, the pillows, or even the type of curtains in your rooms as the most significant factors for a comfortable night’s sleep. While these elements do contribute to sleeping quality, they often eclipse another critical component – bed linen. The texture and quality of your bed linen are as important as the softness of your pillow or the mattress’s firmness. Bed linen sets the tone for both comfort and the aesthetic appeal of your bedroom.

When it comes to bed linen, the choices are plenty – ranging from flat sheets, fitted sheets, duvet covers, quilt covers, pillowcases, cushions, and comforters. All these elements work together to provide a luxurious setting for sleep while sprucing up your room decor.

Material Matters

Linen is primarily chosen for its beneficial properties, like moisture-wicking, breathability, softness, durability, and its environmentally-friendly nature. Cotton, on the other hand, comes in various forms – standard cotton, Egyptian cotton, Percale, or Sateen. Egyptian cotton is considered the epitome of luxury and durability. Percale, made from combed cotton or polyester, is known for its crisp and cool properties. Sateen is loved for its smooth, silky feel and a slight sheen and other materials like bamboo and silk also have their unique properties and benefits.

Thread Count and Weave

Thread count refers to the number of threads woven into one square inch of fabric, and it plays a crucial role in the softness and durability of the fabric. Higher thread counts generally mean smoother touch and greater durability. The weave of the bed linen also matters. Whether it’s a Percale weave (one-over-one-under) or a Sateen weave (four-over-one-under), each imparts a distinct feel and texture to bed linen.

Another fundamental aspect is the size. Ensure you buy the correct size of bed linen for your mattresses, duvets, and pillows. Incorrectly sized bed linen can become a nuisance, either slipping off or bunching up, and greatly hinder a good night’s sleep.

Colour and Design

Bed linen is also a significant aspect of your bedroom decor. It’s important to choose colours, patterns, and designs that complement the overall aesthetics of your room. Lighter shades offer a more soothing and calm atmosphere, while bold, vibrant colours can add energy and dynamism to the room.

Where to Purchase High-Quality Bed Linen?

High-quality bed linen should be an investment, not an occasional purchase. It directly impacts the quality of sleep and, by extension, the quality of life. Shopping for such items can be a daunting task. A myriad of options are available both in brick-and-mortar stores and online. Shopping for bed linen online offers the convenience of comparing different brands, materials, and pricing, all at the comfort of your home.

However, for those seeking luxury and comfort, the best place to purchase top sheets online is from reliable luxury bed linen stockists. These online stores offer not only premium quality products but also provide a broad range of choices catering to different preferences and bedroom aesthetics.

No matter where you decide to buy your bed linen from, remember, the key is not to compromise on quality. After all, good sleep is linked to productivity, improved mood, boosted immune system, and overall wellbeing. Quality bed linen is much more than just a piece of fabric – it is a pathway to achieving restful, high-quality sleep!

Using The Room Divider As A Unique Decorating Accessory

By Lee Dobbins

When you think of a room divider or folding screen, you usually picture using it to divide a room. Perhaps between a large living room – dining room combination or to divide a bedroom into a sleeping and sitting area. But room dividers can be put to many other uses that will enhance your decor as well as add a unique touch to any room.

Today’s room dividers are quite decorative and come in almost any style to suit whatever your decor. Some can even be functional with shelving, slots for photos and activity centers for children’s rooms. Adding one to your room will immediately create a unique focal point, but what if you don’t need to divide the room?

If you are decorating a bedroom, one great use for a room divider is to use it as a headboard. In order to do this, you should choose a divider that is roughly as wide as your bed. In this instance, you won’t be folding the divider – you want to leave it flat. Simply open it up and slide it behind the head of the bed. Purchase matching bedding and you will have a fabulous display. Be sure to buy bedding that matches the theme and color of your folding screen divider and if the divider is very busy with a pattern or scene you might want to make sure you buy bedding that is more plain.


You can also use a room divider simply to dress up a wall. This is a great idea for apartments where you can’t paint or wallpaper but you want something a bit more snazzy to liven up a room. You can put the divider flat against the wall, but if you do you will have to anchor it somehow so it doesn’t tip over. If you don’t want to anchor it, then you can fold it slightly – not too much as you want to be able to see the full divider but just enough so that it is steady.

You can even use a room divider in the kitchen to enhance a breakfast nook or corner eating area. here you will be using it in sort of the opposite way you would normally. Instead of folding the divider so that it is kitty cornered and there is a space between the divider and the wall, you will put it flat against the wall with a fold in the corner so that it wraps around the corner creating a decorative alcove for a unique dining area.

Room dividers add ambiance to any room and you don’t have to use them in the traditional manner. If you use your imagination, you can think of different ways to use traditional decorative accessories which will give your home a unique flair!

About the Author: Lee Dobbins writes for

Room Divider Decor

where you can learn more about the

different types of room dividers

and how to decorate with them.


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Boost Your Energy Levels

By Jonathon Hardcastle

If you woke up last Tuesday feeling tired and are still feeling run down, do not think that this is the end of the world and that your energy levels have been exhausted completely or that your age is catching up with you . Everyone has at least once felt too tired to get up, dress, drive, work, and come back to the house ten hours later after performing a variety of functions, only to continue cleaning up, filing, cooking, and execute all those routine activities we have learned to complete on a daily basis. But although you tried to sleep your tiredness away, the feeling of fatigue has prevailed and you are now in a worse state than ever before. Do not panic, but instead seek a doctor’s advice and perform a medical check up. If all seem to be fine on the physical level, apart from the low energy levels you have been experiencing, then follow these tips and boost your energy to skyrocket heights.

People that experience a low energy period usually comfort themselves by resorting to sleep and adding extra hours of bed time in their attempt to find their lost energy somewhere in-between their bed sheets and covers. This is usually not the right strategy. If you have maintained a steady sleeping schedule, prior to this recent development, which suited your needs perfectly, the extra sleep you are planning to have will not help you increase your energy levels and take control of your life again. On the contrary, if you decide to sleep when your body does not need that extra sleeping time you are increasing the feelings of being tired and lethargic. Thus, instead of sleeping, try to exercise. Energy needs energy to be produced. By performing simple exercises, like walking or swimming, your body will increase its metabolism which will help you get your energy levels again up. Try introducing exercising as part of your daily routine and you will be witnessing a tremendous change in your energy levels as well as mind awareness.


Do not forget to consume fluids and particularly water. Additionally, by adding more vegetables, complex carbohydrates and proteins into your diet, you will see your energy increase and you will feel much better about yourself and be actually healthier than before.

Another tactic to boost your energy levels is to start working on something you have been postponing for a long time, but would love to see yourself doing. Hobbies, interests, volunteer work or house improvement projects can help you get rid of boredom, which can be a very good reason why you feel the way you do. You can invest time in doing things that are fun and relax your body and mind. Going camping, fishing, playing with your or the neighbor’s kids, can assist you increase your recently dropped energy bucket and become involved again.

Most importantly, you have to get started. If you begin doing something that can take you away from that couch or bed, you will witness the difference in your energy levels instantly. Do not procrastinate. Act today and boost your energy levels back up where they belong.

About the Author: Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including




, and



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Teen Girl’s Rockin’ Pink, Punk Bedroom Design

By Alyssa Davis

When putting together a bedroom for a teen girl, it is probably a good idea to ask her what she would like included in the room, and in the case of a budding punk rocker, it may be a blast to put together a pink, punk bedroom. When assembling a punk bedroom, there are some simple guidelines to follow to help keep the design on track.

Making a Point in Pink

Pastel pink may be all right for princesses, but it certainly will not do for up and coming punk rockers. For this application pull in a smoking hot pink with a lot of attitude. This vibrant color works well in bedding and accessories, and it is particularly modern when paired with black and white.

Pink Walls


It may be tempting to paint the walls a vibrant pink, but this much hot pink in a room can simply be overwhelming. However, if the room is large enough, it may be possible to cover the walls in this bold color successfully. Make sure to use high quality paint and plan to apply at least two coats of paint to the walls. To break up the vast expanse of pink add dark gray stripes to the wall, or incorporate black accents in the bedroom design. For a smaller room, keep the walls a lighter color, and perhaps include a single focal wall in the bright pink. There are many different paint combinations that will work on the walls, so take into consideration the properties of the room, and what aspects you want to accentuate before beginning to paint.

Punk Patterns

Then remember that this is a punk room after all, so include punk rock motifs like skulls with crossbones. Punk is such a popular theme, this pattern can be found on many different accessories. There are specialty stores that sell all things punk, and music stores are also a good source of inspiration. Roses are another classic punk motif, and they can be worked into interesting graphics, especially when rendered in black and white. Also look for patterns like oversized plaid in black and pink or it may also be found in black and white. If the teen prefers big chunks of solid color, then choose solid pink or black linens for curtains and bedding.

Final Punk Touches

Next, it is time to bring in the accessories. This is where the owner of the bedroom can really help out. Find out what accessories she would like to include in the room, and have her help you select them. Whether the theme is skull and crossbones, roses or favorite album covers, you teen knows what she likes. Including her in this process makes the entire decorating job much easier. Then look for fun accessories like a pink lava lamp or rope lights to give the room a cool vibe. Remember, what a parent thinks is cool, and what a teen knows is cool may not be anywhere close to each other, so in this case defer to the teen.

While a parent may be wondering how to go about decorating a pink, punk room for a teen girl, remember that the answers are right there, in the teen. They know what they like, and the more input they have into the design of the bedroom, the more ownership they will have of their bedroom, which translates into less nagging to keep their room picked up.

About the Author: This article was written by Alyssa Davis of who specializes in creating uniquely stylish interiors with red metal wall sculptures and blue metal wall sculptures.


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